Products and services

In this section you can find detailed information about the wind power generators, solar panels and components of autonomous power supply that we offer. We paid special attention to paragraph Integrated solutions, which discussed in detail the current use of combined (hybrid) power supply systems.

Many thanks for your interest in our company's products. We hope that we can help you.

Вітрогенератори Winder Вітряки інших виробників Промислові вітрогенератори Сонячні батареї (фотоелектричні панелі)
Інвертори і контролери Щогли для вітрогенераторів Лопаті для ветрогенеретора Акумулятори
Ветромониторинг Монтаж і пуско-наладка Енергоаудит та аналіз доцільності установки ВЕУ Ремонт і обслуговування вітрогенераторів

Perhaps you are interested in the structure of the system of independent power supply?

Here is the scheme, which includes a wind generator, solar panels and diesel generator:

Complex system (windmill installation+solar panel+diesel generator)

1. The nacelle of the wind turbine 5. Consumer 9. Automatic standby 12. Solar panels
2. Tapered mast 6. The control сabinet 10. Transformer substation 13. Charge controller solar cells
3.Foundation 7. Batteries 11. Diesel generator  
4. Inverter room 8. Inverter    


More information about this you can find in the section Library, where we collected a lot of interesting material.

Want to buy a wind turbine?

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